Notion Administration S9 Budget

A Guide for Notion Group Admins

Current Costs

From Ops Department multisig:

DAO Admin Salary: 85,000 BANK

Backup Bounties: 12,750 BANK

Discretional Budget/Coordinape Pool: 62,000 BANK (unused)

Notion Enterprise for 5, annually: $1,200

From the GC multisig:

Notion Ninja Microrole Salary: 1,000 BANK per guild

From Dept or Project multisigs:

Somewhere, tucked into larger roles or segregated as a microrole, there should be a contributor responsible for their own Notion group page administration. This can be compensated or not compensated as each group sees fit.

Ultimately, though, these are $BANK expenditures being generated as a direct result of this decentralized administration approach.

Proposed Costs

From Ops Department multisig:

DAO Admin Salary: 0 BANK

Backup Bounties: 0 BANK

Discretional Budget/Coordinape Pool: 0 BANK

Notion Plus for 3, annually: $288

From the GC multisig:

End the Notion Group Admin subsidy and role requirements.

Notion Ninja Microrole Salary: 0 BANK per guild

From Dept or Project multisigs:

End the Notion Group Admin subsidy and role requirements.

0 BANK expenditures required from any Guild