1. Contributions are data. Data are contributions.

  2. Each piece of data is a data asset represented on-chain by an IPFS CID (the hash of each individual contribution).

  3. Data assets can be owned by any number of people, from zero (free in perpetuity) to everyone. Permissions are determined by the data asset owner(s).

  4. Non-transferable ERC-20 governance tokens link the economic value created by individual contributions directly to each contribution and its perceived market value over time.

  5. Non-transferable governance tokens hold no economic value.

  6. Each shared data asset is governed by a unique ERC-20 governance token contract.

  7. Data assets represented as ERC-721 NFTs enable multiple DAO members to be co-owners of an individual data asset and exercise shared governance over its use.

    Data NFTs and Datatokens

  8. Using ERC-1155 token contracts for membership NFTs enables user accounts to be managed, stored, and burned in a fully decentralized manner. This allows users to recover the full liquidity they would be entitled to in the event of a rage quit.

  9. Data assets are valued in network tokens (e.g. ETH, MATIC, FIL, USDC) which increases the security of the base network each time a data asset creates value. No more DAO shitcoins. Just real value created and economically backed by tangible data assets.

    Global Public Goods and The Protocol Sink Thesis on Bankless

    Settlement Assurances and the Protocol Sink Thesis | Ethereal Virtual Summit 2020

  10. People can invest in a data asset through data farming. This involves staking network tokens on the protocol to earn veGov tokens. veGov tokens can be staked on data assets to earn network tokens through a share of the profits generated by a data asset. This creates an idea market for contributions (data) where the best contributions are curated through liquidity to reward both the dataset owner(s) and curators.

  11. The primary ledger of data asset owners is controlled exclusively by a smart contract (basically a wallet) maintained by a DAO consisting of all contributors across all DAOs. It’s the dataset everyone owns by default. Knowledge as a fundamental human right and public good.

  12. Data assets are not securities because:

    1. Ownership of a data asset does not require financial investment
    2. In cases where a user can invest financially (e.g. by means of data farming):
      1. Data is ubiquitous and indistinguishable from user to user when de-identified
      2. Different data types (file formats) can contain the same types of information (fields)
      3. Lookup how Ocean Protocol deals with this

Cannabis Genome DAO (🌿,🧬) on Twitter

*sovereign_alchemist*June 4, 2023 9:42 AM (PDT)June 4, 2023 9:42 AM (PDT)

I wanted to put down my ideas on what I think a Data DAO would look like and operate, this structure is borrowed from Shapeshift DAO.

@flowscience if you've got any diagrams about how your DAO is currently structured I would love to take a look.


*flowscience*June 4, 2023 9:56 AM (PDT)June 4, 2023 9:56 AM (PDT)

That's pretty much what I'm thinking, except add one layer. I was thinking of using a workstream / working group plus a subDAO structure. We're essentially building a general template for data DAOs which can be replicated within a DAO itself.

I made this for MedDAO last year.

*flowscience*June 4, 2023 10:06 AM (PDT)June 4, 2023 10:06 AM (PDT)