Mission and Vision

To incentivize participation in open-source cannabis research through a community owned data marketplace, open-access publication server and decentralized seed bank.


We were formed based on the belief that all cannabis is medicine and there should be equitable incentives to contribute to the advancement of human knowledge.

Q: Is science a public good? Can reputation be linked to market forces that influence knowledge sharing via collective ownership? Can we align incentives in an equitable way to promote authenticity, objectivity and open access to information?

A: All communities, but ours in particular, have an iterative and fluid nature wherein the composition of individuals and even the linguistic expression of our core values may evolve over time. In acknowledgement of this, the systems we use to evaluate participation should always be open for discussion, critique and revision.

Q: How do things get valued in the market? How do market pressures influence participation? (John Stewart Mill - core of utilitarianism, how do we define “value” and who defines it?)

Is it happiness? Who defines that? And how?

Tokens are the energy flow in the system. The market and the individual participants are what can turn that energy into matter (things = data, publications, project deliverables, etc)

Decentralized principles - empower every individual in the community to own these decisions

Inclusivity. All participation is valuable (except cold spam). However, we place a higher value on discussion(s) that further the advancement of a deliverable, project, or initiative versus social conversation.

Cultural glue of “gm” - we should still include this because it’s part of the cultural fabric

Q: How to address anxiety of flowing to others?

A: Approach it with an abundance mindset and low pressure attitude. Let the cred flow. It’s ok if you’re not sure whether something is worth 5 or 6 Cred. The wisdom of the crowd will average things out over time. You can also go back later and change your amount if an allocation you made really bugs you. The community can also adjust Grain distribution levels later on if too much Cred is flowing and draining the treasury funds allocated